Lamb & Mint Burger Seasoning

Fresh Mint
Mellow Spice
Flavour Appeal


The Shepherd’s Delight lamb & mint burger seasoning uses selected crisp, fresh flavours of mint to cut through the rich meaty taste of lamb. This classic combination demands  the finest quality of mint with complimentary spices to stand out amongst the ubiquitous alternatives available.

As you would expect, the burger seasoning is made without flavour enhancers, using only natural colours & flavours. For meat products that are full of flavour, full of pride!

All the Butchers Pride™ burger seasonings are available from the listed distributors detailed above. Don’t forget to check out our sausage seasonings, sausage mixes, and marinade seasonings.

product information guide
Shepherds Delight Minted Lamb Burger Seasoning or Mix Lamb & Mint